

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 9, 2017

Let's explore the beauty of harvesting rice

Each year to September, 10, the question is most people who love the Northwest is rice is ripe yet? This topic is also heatedly discussed in the tourist forums and is constantly updated by newcomers. According to Ngo Huy Hoa, in Lao Cai, rice is ripe yellow in Ngai Thau - Y Ty - Thien Sinh - A Lu - Zhou. Let's explore Vietnam travel tours

In Sapa, Hong Quang, Hanoi tourists, said around this area rice has cotton, some places are golden. According to blogger Tran Viet Anh, rice in Thanh Kim has nine harvested harvest, rice in Ta Van is gold, rice in Cat Cat is still green. The appropriate time to look at Sapa rice is around mid-September.
The road from village to Vay village, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province was filled with Tuan Anh updated in late August.

"The path was smooth, some of the erosion has been cleared. Bridge to the hot spring Bon village in Nghia Lo collapsed, want to have to wade through the stream, send the car outside. Ban Huoc is still bathing normally, but the water is cloudy, " Top 5 Myanmar food you shoould try

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