

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 9, 2017

Come to visit Son Doong in Quang Binh

Come to Dong Hoi (Quang Binh) on the central days are still sunny, the first feeling of the group "bushwalking" we are Dong Hoi city is too sunny. The planned 7-hour departure, but the departure time from Dong Hoi to Phong Nha - Ke Bang was earlier than expected because people are afraid to go late as tired from the heat. To get more information, you can click: north vietnam tour
Quang Binh enchanted people with the beautiful caves of the world heritage Phong Nha - Ke Bang, so naturally no one missed the visit to the Phong Nha, Tien Son, Paradise ... This time, destination Our main is the Chay River and the Dark Cave in Bo Trach of Quang Binh, also located in this natural heritage.

As a proponent of the Chay River and Dark caves, but have never been here before, just heard that this is a nice new destination for people exploring tourism, I also do not know if I have the right place to work for the group. The bushes of many ages are interesting, so they have to come up with a preamble: "It is not good to know."

It's not worth it! The sky, blue waters, hills and mountains were fascinating people in the first minute. Chay River Ecological Zone - This dark cave is managed cleanly, orderly, enthusiastic staff to guide guests to play and fun but not messy atmosphere on the Chay River helped me to "get points" more with the whole group. .

Chay River water in green, I have never seen the river so clear water, everything above the water surface into the river as a mirror.

Local people say, like other rivers in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Chay River comes from inside the caves. The Chay River has two branches, one from the heart of the majestic Annamites, but the location of the river has not yet been determined. Another branch from Dark cave. The two streams blend together to form a large stream of water, about 10 km long, which is thought to be the deepest in Phong Nha - Ke Bang, with an average depth of 5 - 7m, but about 20m deep.
According to the local people, Chay River at any time has its own characteristics, depending on each person. From February to August, beautiful weather, Chay river water is always green. From September to October began to rain heavily, Chay River turbid because of color soil, silt from the rain poured into the river. From December to January it is cold.

To the Chay River, it is necessary to enter the Dark Cave to experience all the interesting things here. Dark Cave is one of the unique caves in the world natural heritage complex Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, which was first discovered and published in 1990 by the Royal Caves Adventure Association. The cave length of the first measurement was about 5.5 km. To the most recent discovery by the Phong Nha - Ke Bang Tourism Center in April 2015 (the first survey of a cave by the Vietnamese themselves) has measured the length of the cave Dark Nearly 6km, average height 70-90m, width 25-35m.

Mr. Tran Tai, staff Phong Nha Tourism Center - Ke Bang has participated in the survey and assessment Dark cave is a beautiful cave, outstanding in many natural and biological values, the depth and depth of the difficulty. As well as the danger to overcome the higher but more and more unique features of the cave. Dark Cave has two doors, the front door at the Tre Mang Station, the Chay River; The other store is located in the center of the Sinh Thuong Valley - also known as the Water Diving Cave, since water will disappear into the cave.

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