

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 7, 2017

Explore Cua Dai fishing village in Halong

Cua Van fishing village is a unique wonder in the heart of Halong Bay cruise- World Heritage Site was twice recognized by UNESCO.
Where is Cua Van fishing village?

Cua Van fishing village belongs to Hung Thang ward (Halong city) located in the calm sea area surrounded by rocky mountains. This area is ideal for anchorage. The village is far away from the shore when tens of kilometers along the cliffs as the valley on the sea. There, the houses are next to each other, small, beautiful. No noisy car horn only the fishermen call each other, the beams on the fishing boat chase after the mountains echo.

Origin of Cua Van fishing village

Cua Van fishing village originated from two ancient villages, Giang Voong and Truc Vong, and the islands became an integral part of Halong Bay. At the floating fishing village of Cua Van, more than 300 households are living mainly by fishing. The households here set up raft houses along the edge of the rocks. The generations of fishing village life lived on boats and attached to the sea. Children from 4-5 years old know how to swim paddle.

What is interesting about Cua Van fishing village?

Cua Van fishing village is one of the attractive tourist attractions of Halong Bay, which is listed on website list of 16 most ancient villages in 2012 by ancient, charming and preserving traditional culture. egg.
The fishing village is located at a distance of tens of kilometers from the cliffs of the sea. There, the houses are next to each other, small, beautiful. No whistling car as booming on the shore, only the fishermen call each other to ask each other, the beams on the fishing boat chase after the mountains echo.
The generations of fishing village life lived on boats and attached to the sea. They consider the boat is home, the sea is home, attached to Halong Bay both soul and body. Children from 4 to 5 years know how to swim paddle.

Coming to Cua Van fishing village, tourists not only have a chance to see the natural scenery of the sea, learn the cultural life of the fishermen but when the night falls, visitors can also sail around the village, Understand the cultural life of fishermen in the sea. The impressive beauty of Sung Sot Cave

According to the village fishing village, under the moonlight, visitors can spread the net, ink off the sea, bring back their own processing interests, enjoy the seafood they caught. In particular, on the occasion of the festival, or wedding guests also hear the song singing, rowing (line form with many folk songs of the Gulf). All of them create an unforgettable experience for everyone.

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